Well this week we had a tiny scare. Spent a few hours in labor and delivery with some blood pressure issues. Just needed some rest and it came down. This week things have changed a lot. I thought it was hard to move before, well it's almost impossible now. I have definitely been spending more time on the couch and listening to my body to slow down. I keep thinking she's coming early but we all know she's the boss.
How many weeks: 38 Weeks!
Touch your toes?no
Stretch marks? yes, more showing up in random places.
Sleep: Do I dare say I'm sleeping a little better? Still getting up a million times but having an easier time going back to sleep, watch now I won't sleep.
Best moment this week: listening to my baby girls heart beat for 4 hours while in the hospital.
Miss Anything? wine, being able to get up from the couch with out grunting and using all my strength.
Movement: she's slowed down a bit, maybe running out of room or resting up for her big exit.
Food cravings: eating anything and everything insight and still havent' gained anything in 4 weeks!
Anything making you queasy or sick: no
Gender: It's a GIRL!
Labor Signs: braxton hicks, lots of pressure and cramping
Symptoms: carpal tunnel, back ache, fatigue, slowness
Belly Button in or out? OUT! It finally happened!
Wedding rings on or off? wedding band only is on.
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy most of the time.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery. We got the glider last night so we just need to put that together and get the extra junk out of the room and we are all ready for Baby G!
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery. We got the glider last night so we just need to put that together and get the extra junk out of the room and we are all ready for Baby G!
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