yum- freiken- o. So good! So we decided to do away with Christmas gifts and do a nice dinner....sure we could get each other power puff girl and blues clues paraphinalia but that is sooo 10 years ago
--- Oh btw I did horrible in English so if you think I'm going to edit or are offended by my miss use of commas and excessive use of exclamation points then you should probably just leave now...
Anyway....Melting Pot was great, and even greater spending time with my biz.* We've known each other since freshman year of college. We have some great stories...too bad I didn't have a blog back then...it would have probably been much more interesting. Here's a pic of us 'back in the day' in our dorm hallway...one of our dress-up days? I guess? I don't know I admit we were weird..strange..crazy but we had fun and to us that's all that mattered!!

Time is so valuable these days...so that is what we gave each other for Christmas, time together. And it was just what I needed. Nothing like a night out with your favorite girl.
*yes we call each other 'biznit' and can't remember where we picked it up...sometime in our college days.