The past few weeks have been difficult, I'm sorry I've been neglecting you. Along with the rest of my family, I have been spending a lot of time at the inpatient Hospice Unit in good ole' Atown keeping my Grammy company. Lucky for me it's not out of the way at all, so I've been stopping nightly after work. I've also been lucky to be able to spend so much time with her.
My Grammy raised 8 children, WOW. And also helped to raise about 6 of my cousins, while my aunts worked. She has 19 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren, if I'm counting correctly. My Pappy died about 25 years ago from cancer. My Grammy has stayed extremely active and loves to travel. If I were to describe her in two words it would be STRONG and INDEPENDENT.
Last night I visited with my Mom, we passed around a word search and each took turns finding a word, Grammy ate some of her dinner and all of her lemon lime sherbet, and she talked about her cookie making business.
You see, raising 8 kids is expensive, even if your mortgage at the time was $17. Yes, $17.00. During the holidays my Grammy would make hundreds of pounds of cookies and sell them. When I asked her how many, "oh about 500-800lbs", she said it like it was nothing. That is a lot of cookies! She had everyone enlisted of course in helping, and would make huge batches of dough for it to all be ready to bake when she had a free minute. She informed me one person in particular was notorious for burning them, or leaving out the baking soda, which in a normal batch is no big deal but in 8lbs of cookie dough, that's a lot of dough wasted. Well, never wasted because they would bake it off anyway and make the kids eat them. haha.
Now these cookies that she made where not drop cookies, they were the roll out super thin cut out cookies with a little sprinkle of colored sugar on top. 500-800lbs of super thin crisp butter cookies is a lot of cookies. Yum, I can taste them now.
Many have tried to carry on her cookie making tradition. My sister in high school, started her own business by making them. She sold them around the neighborhood and at my Mom's work. I have never tried to make them, but this seems like a good time to try. I'll let you know how it goes.
My Grammy is giving one heck of a fight right now. The past week there were many close calls before she was transported to hospice. Many prayers, tears and hugs. The Dr. met with the family a few days ago, and expressed his amazement that she is doing well considering her health status and the disease process. Very few actually get better while at Hospice.
Next week the plan is for her to return to her home, with Hospice and 24/7 family and friend support. Since I work in the field I know that a difficult road is ahead for everyone. We will all transition from visitors to caregivers. Although it will be difficult, I trust that the traits we have inherited from my Grammy will make us strong and determined to ensure she has the very best quality of life in her last days.
Moments like these, when you just can enjoy her are the best. I will be happy to hear when she can go back to the peace of her own home.
ReplyDeleteAs for the cookies. Well I think I might have to try some.
Jen, I am glad she is doing well enough to get to go back to her own house. I make those cookies every year for Christmas (well, Missouri Christmas). My Aunt makes them all the time, I used to help her make them as a kid because my mom did. I had the job of putting on the sugar. If you need help making them, I can help you! :)