**All photos were taken by Jenae Holtzhafer
The random adventures of a newly wed thrift-aholic. Blogging about everything from vacations to homemade laundry soap. It's all about saving where you can and spending where you want.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Teal and Black Wedding : Just Dance
**All photos were taken by Jenae Holtzhafer
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Teal and Black Wedding : Lucky
to the favors
All were done with thought, love, sweat and sometimes tears.
Our wedding was Ours, no body elses and it showed. From setting up to tearing down we did it all, with the help of our loved ones of course. And although at times I wanted to throw a Bridezilla fit, it was a journey that I loved every bit taking.
We are lucky to have such great supportive family and friends. And super lucky to have such a gifted photographer as a friend. Jenae Holtzhafer did all our photography, we couldn't have been happier! All above photos are hers.
I am lucky I'm in love with my best friend.
Adventure 2 for another day...

IT was a rough. I had plans hello...no time for puking and feeling like death. Not sure when I'll be getting to that laundry soap, sorry my friends!
I did find out that my hubby is a fantastic guy to have around when you are sick. Woo hoo! I picked a good one. First thing Sunday morning he was up and out the door to get some saltines, ginger ale , and gatorade.
I am so lucky.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Oil and Water
End result...interesting. I'm not sure if I like it. It doesn't smell like lavender it smells like coconut and beeswax, which I'm okay with, maybe next time I'll put more of the lavender in. It does however have super mosturizing properties.
Adventure 2 laundry soap...yes these are my kind of adventures...I'll take this over skydiving any day.
Thursday, January 21, 2010

After getting married in October, we went on our honeymoon to Cancun. As we got a recommendation from a trusty friend

we booked the Sun Palace all inclusive resort. Lovely resort and would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat.
So Jenny was sitting under our Christmas tree Christmas morning, for me. So the deal is, she’s my trainer, she tells me what to do and I do it to the best of my ability. A web cam comes with it so you hook it up to the wii and boom you are famous and on TV. So you have yourself on the right of the TV screen and Jenny on your left.
I think Jenny tried to kill me the other night…she kept doing leg lifts for 4 counts. So laying on your back, feet in the air slowly lowering your legs to the floor as you count to 4 and then back up for 4. I swear she had me do it like 50 times. So I think there might be a flaw in the program.
Last night she only made me do it once, I’m okay with that. I like it because you can choose to do a 15 min. work out and that’s easy to squeeze in to my busy nights.What is your secret fitness tool?
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Well it was kinda like that, didn’t go as easy as that but for the most part I learned if you harass someone long enough they will give in J I just had this feeling that he was the man I was supposed to marry.
Feb 2001 we started dating, me in Lock Haven and Josh at home. It was tough but we made it work, and August 16th 2008 he asked me to be his wife.
It was a beautiful day! We got some hoagies and head out for French Creek State Park. We went on a nice long hike , when we got back to where we started Josh wanted to go again. I said are you serious? No lets get ice cream. Later I find out he wanted to propose on the hike, and every time he went to do it some kids would run by.
So we left and went to a cute dairy bar Longacre’s on the way home.

And after that Josh still didn’t have enough walking in for the day and wanted to go to Lockridge park.
He was pretty sly peaking through the old buildings window….putting a ring in his sneaker
And then walking to the far end of the yard…I guess thinking of what he’s going to say
I really didn’t know it was coming, I was just sitting in the window swinging my feet enjoying the view.
I think my reaction when he asked was…are you serious? Yes!
In the fall we had some engagement shots done. My good friend Jenae did an awesome job! She does her photography on the side, occasionally helping her friend who does it full time and then some family shots here and there and she soon found out I would want her to do our wedding.We went back to Lockridge because of the awesome structures left behind by the iron ore furnaces. More details on that here Lockridge. A few of our favorite are below.