Spinning off of Mrs. Chicken Leg's blog entry about friends, which she so nicely illustrated,I would like to introduce you to my new 'friend'. Her name is also Jenny, she's pretty famous, and she makes my muscles ache.

After getting married in October, we went on our honeymoon to Cancun. As we got a recommendation from a trusty friend

we booked the Sun Palace all inclusive resort. Lovely resort and would recommend it to anyone in a heartbeat.
Josh and I looooove food. Josh went to school for culinary arts and hotel and restaurant management, and while he doesn't have a job in that field, he makes up for it when he cooks. At the Sun you could eat/drink anytime and as much as you want. And so I gained 10lbs, ugh. And then Thanksgiving came and Christmas and it has just all been down hill from there.
I am reminded time and time again that my first word was ‘fries’ . To this day I LOVE fries, the super crispy kind. Mmmm fries…..
So Jenny was sitting under our Christmas tree Christmas morning, for me. So the deal is, she’s my trainer, she tells me what to do and I do it to the best of my ability. A web cam comes with it so you hook it up to the wii and boom you are famous and on TV. So you have yourself on the right of the TV screen and Jenny on your left.
I think Jenny tried to kill me the other night…she kept doing leg lifts for 4 counts. So laying on your back, feet in the air slowly lowering your legs to the floor as you count to 4 and then back up for 4. I swear she had me do it like 50 times. So I think there might be a flaw in the program.
Last night she only made me do it once, I’m okay with that. I like it because you can choose to do a 15 min. work out and that’s easy to squeeze in to my busy nights.What is your secret fitness tool?
Yikes sound scary. Can you work otfor me and have the chub role off of me?