Adventure 1 of this weekend is making lotion. A few weeks back at our family Christmas party my Aunt Kathy introduced me to some of her homemade hand lotion. So of course I needed the recipe!

Here it is:
2/3 C Distilled Water or Rose Water ( I used Distilled)
1/3 C Aloe Vera Gel
1-2 Drops of Essential Oil. ( I used Lavender)
Vitamins A or E ( I used E)
2/3 C Sweet Almond Oil
1/3 C Coconut Oil
1/2 to 1 oz Beeswax
Put 'waters' in the blender on high.
In small saucepan, melt 'oils' together to soften and melt beeswax.
Add 'oils' to 'waters' and blend blend blend and the mixture will thicken.
Presto you have lotion.
End result...interesting. I'm not sure if I like it. It doesn't smell like lavender it smells like coconut and beeswax, which I'm okay with, maybe next time I'll put more of the lavender in. It does however have super mosturizing properties.
Adventure 2 laundry soap...yes these are my kind of adventures...I'll take this over skydiving any day.
I am excited to check out the end result. You will have to besure to bring some into the office tomorrow.